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Both Heaven and Hell
Pamela Witcher

Day and night, I dance
A sad and mysterious soul, they call me
With an outer angelic visage glowing
And inner devilish veins burning

Crooked wings and bended horns
If you ask me gently
Which world I would choose
To land on, upon my fall from the horizon

Both heaven and hell, I would pronounce
In delicate whispers, softly and slowly
With the rest of you
Listening behind the doors

To drink earnestly the dark and the light
The lost and the found
The blood and the flesh
Then, the laughter and the tears I can taste

Yet, you crawl to me and the way you deceive
With a mask breathing desperately
Begging for my freedom and my chains
Then, your friend I cannot be

Created by Pamela Witcher. All rights reserved.
Crée par Pamela Witcher. Tous droits réservés.